Monday, April 27, 2009

Autobiography #4

A Break Through in Literacy

I had a break through moment in literacy when I attended an English 311 class here at Cal State San Bernardino. Before 311 I always believed that simple grammar and the common rules of writing were the explanations behind language. Breaking words down to the morphological and phonological level was a whole new territory for me. I was amazed at how letters' sounds are manipulated to create the smallest bit of meaning within a word. Although I was intrigued by the class, I chose to continue on the Literature path in my concentration since it fit my schedule. Otherwise, I just might have changed my concentration to Liguistics!

Everyone in the class seemed to enjoy learning linguistics as well. The Professor was very engaged in teaching and held the class' attention with her performance of the phonology sound effects. I will be able to take with me reason why letters make sounds and be able to use this as a tool to teach my future classes basic linguistics.

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